Best Practices

  1. Title of the practice: To conserve rich architectural heritage.

    1. Objectives of the Practice : Forbidden heritage sites documentation and popularizing historical sites at regional as well as national level.
    2. Context : There are many heritage site which are historically and architecturally very important but are not very well being looked after. All regional as well as national context there is need for identifying such sites and document them with publishing their relevance in the magazines so that they act as linkages and fill in the gaps of historical sequences.
    3. Practices : Every year the study tours are planned in such way that the remote and forbidden sites are also enrooted students are thought the ways to measure such sites by virtue of foot counts and Google image measurements horizontally and by counting no of masonry courses vertically knowing exact height of each course further tracing intricate details on tracings or photographs does the data collection completes.
      After coming back to college studies the data sheets are documented in form of PLAN, ELEVATION and SECTIONS. Also views and details are also documented from photographs. The result is a well-knit document describing era, site style and its relevance in history a complete set. Further to popularize such site have been projected in college magazine and document is published in college magazine “ Archimedia” and other magazines like “Time space and People”.
      In this succession we have studies various sites which are not well known but historically relevant such as Atala-Mosque at Jaunpur, Sher-shah-Suri tomb at Sasaram(U.P.) , Apsoidal at Chaitya Gruha (Temple) at Ter (Mah), Pre-historical Harappan site at Lothal ( Gujarat), Chousatha Yogini temple at Mitawali (M.P.) & Patteshwara at Kumphkonam (T.N.)
    4. Evidence of Success : One such documentation on “Sher-shah-Suri tomb at Sasaram(U.P.)” forwarded to the COA magazine got published in ‘Time space and People’, edition Oct 2016 and other are also lined up to appear in various magazines.
    5. Problems Encountered and Resources Required : For conducting tours at such remote and untapped places many problems are encountered like:
      • Mass transit systems like trains, state transport buses are not available at such places.
      • Tour operators are reluctant to go to such places as they have to exert extra.
      • Food & other facilities are not readily available at such places as they available at famous tourist places. But all the above problems are solved by carrying tour operater buses along with catering crew.

  2. Title : Free foreign tour to the consistently top ranker students.

    1. Objectives :
      • To offer them an exposure to other parts of the world.
      • To befriend them with the global standards and skills in the architecture.
      • To acquire knowledge of world class architecture.
    2. Context : To develop a sense of team spirit and a sense of responsibilities towards studies, such foreign tours and also field trips are organized to nearby locations for studying the class architecture and the vernacular styles in the rural precinct. But to open up their vision foreign tour is also organized for the consistent top rankers of first three years. Many student from our institute belong to economical weaker section. Due to such practice They are given a chance to visit a foreign location free of cost along with the faculties in appropriate proportion.
    3. The Practice : Every year the institute conducts such foreign tour in the month of June, at the start of the academic session. The PRPGOEI, invites the statically analysis of first five consistent top rankers from third year batch based on their CGPA from all the colleges of integrated campus. After scrutinizing data, the first three top rankers are selected and list of students are finalized. The free pass-port campus drive is also made available to all the student of institute. The students are made aware with all documentary formalities.
      During site visit student gathered information and knowledge respective to their field and interest. After coming back, they prepare presentation on their visit and it is presented in college activity slot . This initiative not only propagate knowledge but also develop attitude of competition among students of upcoming batches to avail this opportunities.
    4. Evidence of Success :
      • The student utilized this knowledge of exposure during campus development on the occasion of “Techelons”.
      • This exposure also make student face the environs of utmost economic and technological development.

  3. Title of the practice: Morning Prayer from “GRAMGITA” by saint from Amravati District Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj - Enchanting Morning Prayer for meditation

    1. Objectives :
      • To inculcate moral values of unity, concentration and apply a tangible sense to the curriculum.
      • To develop ethical values among the students.
      • To spiritually encourage the students and faculties along with practical knowledge.
    2. Context : As mentioned in our mission we are not producing the Architecture students but we are committed “To generate architecture for the society” which is not limited to local context but aims to extend entire globe as stated in the first statement of prayer “yehn swarg sam sansar ho”. This prayer has oath for life of high standards and selfless behavior. The connection between architecture and society is obvious and even though sometimes ignored, Architecture exists to create the physical environment in which people live. It serves society and improves quality of life. It’s a physical manifestation of the society’s wishes to be civilized. It teaches us to reason about being human and to ask questions about our world.
      The prayer motivates students and staff to possess humanity, think rationally and observe right attitude towards any situation. By chanting prayer everyday their minds may be trained accordingly.
    3. Practices : The Morning Prayer for about 5-7 minutes brings the same effect and creates a sense of humanity, unity among all the students despite of their religious belongings and cultural beliefs. Due to this short activity, students learn how to be calm and responsible in any situation they face, build their confidence and concentration level. To implement the above practice, every morning we start our session with Morning Prayer. The institute has installed sound system on each floor and a serene ambience in maintained during morning hours to inculcate positive energy & thoughts among the students and the faculty members. Morning Prayer we perform is taken from “Gramgeeta”, is about humanity and human values. It elaborate the purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well. Humans are characterized by the different natural qualities that include thinking, emotions, feeling, acting, etc. That is what makes us humans in a distinctive way. Our nature is completely different from the rest of the creatures in this world. We all have our individual natures that make us behave in a certain way. While it helps us in leading a comfortable way of life, it also becomes an obstacle or constraint at times.
    4. Evidences of the success of morning prayer are :
      • Students are spiritually and ethically stronger and possess a positive as well as cooperative attitude towards the society
      • It creates a sense of unity among all the students despite of their caste or cultural beliefs.
    5. Problems Encountered and Resources Required : For conducting tours at such remote and untapped places many problems are encountered like:
      • Mass transit systems like trains, state transport buses are not available at such places.
      • Tour operators are reluctant to go to such places as they have to exert extra.
      • Food & other facilities are not readily available at such places as they available at famous tourist places. But all the above problems are solved by carrying tour operater buses along with catering crew.